PayPal WooCommerce Hooks Library
PayPal for WooCommerce provides a number of hooks so that you can interact with the plugin. The following list displays the names of the hooks available as well as a simple sample of how to set it up.
PayPal Complete Payments Gateway Hooks
Sort the PayPal Complete Payments gateway options on your checkout page.
add_filter('woocommerce_available_payment_gateways', 'sort_gateway_on_checkout_page', 10000); function sort_gateway_on_checkout_page($gateways) { if (is_checkout()) { $gateway_sort_order_list = ['angelleye_ppcp_cc', 'angelleye_ppcp', 'angelleye_ppcp_apple_pay', 'angelleye_ppcp_google_pay']; $sorted_gateways = []; foreach ($gateway_sort_order_list as $gateway_id) { if (isset($gateways[$gateway_id])) { $bottom_last_gateway = $gateways[$gateway_id]; unset($gateways[$gateway_id]); $sorted_gateways[$gateway_id] = $bottom_last_gateway; } } if (count($sorted_gateways)) { $gateways = array_merge($sorted_gateways, $gateways); } } return $gateways; }
PayPal Classic Gateway Hooks
PayPal Express Checkout Filter Hooks
Set a custom subject for the email notification that is sent to site admin when a PayPal Express Checkout API error occurs.
add_filter( 'ae_ppec_error_email_subject', 'my_subject_function', 10, 1); function my_subject_function($subject) { $subject = 'This is my custom subject line.'; return $subject; }
Set a custom message in the email notification that is sent to site admin when a PayPal Express Checkout API error occurs.
add_filter( 'ae_ppec_error_email_message', 'my_function', 10, 5 ); function my_function($message, $ErrorCode, $ErrorSeverityCode, $ErrorShortMsg, $ErrorLongMsg) { $message = "$ErrorCode - $ErrorLongMsg"; return $message; }
Set a custom error message to be displayed back to the user when a PayPal Express Checkout API error occurs.
add_filter( 'ae_ppec_error_user_display_message', 'my_function', 10, 3 ); function my_function($error_display_type_message, $ErrorCode, $ErrorLongMsg) { $error_display_type_message = "Please contact us and let us know you received error code ". $ErrorCode; return $error_display_type_message; }
Display a custom message if a PayPal Express Checkout API error occurs when refunding an order.
add_filter( 'ae_ppec_refund_error_message', 'my_error_message', 10, 3 ); function my_error_message($L_LONGMESSAGE, $L_ERRORCODE, $PayPalResult) { $message = "A refund error occured:". $L_ERRORCODE ."-". $L_LONGMESSAGE; return $message; }
Replace the logo used for Express Checkout on the WooCommerce checkout page.
add_filter('angelleye_ec_checkout_icon', 'angelleye_change_express_checkout_icon', 10, 1); function angelleye_change_express_checkout_icon($icon_url) { $icon_url = '<img src="" alt="Credit Card Badges">'; return $icon_url; }
Pass your own custom data into the PayPal CUSTOM parameter. You can pass any value you want up to 256 characters.
add_filter('ae_ppec_custom_parameter', 'ae_ppec_custom_parameter', 10, 1); functionae_ppec_custom_parameter($icon_url) { $custom_data = 'My custom data';
return $custom_data; }
PayPal Payments Pro DoDirectPayment Filter Hooks
Display a custom subject for the email sent to the site admin if a PayPal Pro DoDirectPayment API error occurs.
add_filter( 'ae_ppddp_error_email_subject', 'my_custom_subject', 10, 3 ); function my_custom_subject($subject, $error_code, $long_message) { $subject = "This is my custom email subject for error ".$error_code; return $subject; }
Display a custom message in the email sent to the site admin if a PayPal Pro DoDirectPayment API error occurs.
add_filter( 'ae_ppddp_error_email_message', 'my_custom_message', 10, 3 ); function angelleye_pc_error_email_notify_message_own($message, $error_code, $long_message) { $message = "The error was". $error_code ."-". $long_message; return $message; }
Display a custom message to the user when a PayPal Payments Pro DoDirectPayment API error occurs.
add_filter( 'ae_ppddp_error_user_display_message', 'my_custom_message', 10, 3 ); function angelleye_pc_display_type_notice_own($pc_display_type_notice, $error_code, $long_message) { $my_custom_message = "Please contact us and let us know you received error ". $error_code; return $my_custom_message; }
Display a custom message if a PayPal Payments Pro DoDirectPayment API error occurs when refunding an order.
add_filter( 'ae_ppddp_refund_error_message', 'my_custom_error_message', 10, 3 ); function my_custom_error_message($L_LONGMESSAGE, $L_ERRORCODE, $PayPalResult) { $message = "When refunding, the error ". $L_ERRORCODE ." occurred."; return $message; }
PayPal Payments Pro PayFlow Filter Hooks
Add data into the COMMENT1 field available in the PayPal Manager (PayFlow) account transaction details.
add_filter( 'ae_pppf_custom_parameter', 'own_ae_pppf_custom_parameter', 10, 2); function own_ae_pppf_custom_parameter($customer_note , $order) { return $order->get_order_number(); }
Add data into the COMMENT2 field available in the PayPal Manager (PayFlow) account transaction details.
add_filter( 'ae_pppf_comment2_parameter', 'own_ae_pppf_comment2_parameter', 10, 2); function own_ae_pppf_comment2_parameter($empty, $order) { return 'My Website'; }
It seems these filters are dated and have been renamed since this documentation was published. For example, “angelleye_ec_display_type_message” is now “ae_ppec_error_user_display_message”.
Wow, sorry, somehow I never saw this until now. I got the documentation updated accordingly. Thanks for the feedback!
Hi, what hook can I use to get payflow response after payment processing. I want to add some more details returned by paypal to the order meta.
We don’t have a hook for that right now. We could add it (for billed time) or you could look at parsing it out of the logs our plugin saves, which has all the raw request/response data in it.
Is there any hook available that can be used while on clicking the Paypal Button to pay?
We don’t have any hook like that, no. Are you just wanting to track clicks or trigger an action of some sort? You may be able to do what you’re wanting with Google Tag Manager, for example.