Enable Direct Credit and Debit Card Payments Now!

PayPal includes Direct Credit and Debit Card Payments as part of their Complete Payments integration.  This allows non-PayPal account holders to pay with a credit or debit card.

Are you using a sandbox installation for testing? If yes, please use the sandbox signup button to enable Direct Credit Card payments on your PayPal sandbox account.

Default Debit / Credit Card Buttons

By default, the debit card payment button UI is provided from PayPal JS and is included with PayPal Checkout Smart Buttons. 

This allows buyers to pay without signing in to PayPal, but it is still branded with the “Powered by PayPal” tagline, and it is still clear that PayPal is processing the payment.


Add a Direct Credit or Debit Card Form

PayPal also provides an option to add a Direct Credit or Debit Card checkout to your website. 

This makes it look and feel a bit more like a separate payment option, and does not include PayPal taglines or branding.

Advanced Cards

Enable Advanced Credit Cards from PayPal

To do so, please enable advanced credit and debit card payments on your PayPal account from the button provided at the beginning of this document.

PayPal ACC Confirmation

Enable Advanced Credit Cards in Payment Gateway Settings

Once done, go to your PayPal Complete Payments settings page and enable advanced credit and debit card payments.

Enable ACC in PPCP

You should now see the advanced credit/debit card form on your WooCommerce checkout page.

What Happens to The Default Debit / Credit Card Button?

If Advanced Credit Cards is enabled and approved for your account, then the default Credit or Debit Cards button is automatically replaced by the Direct Credit or Debit Card form on the checkout page.

Also, when Advanced Credit Cards is enabled, we hide the default Credit or Debit Card button on the Cart page and Product page to avoid confusion. If you still need it, you can remove it from the Hide Funding Method(s) option in PayPal Complete Payments settings to bring it back.

Hide FM

Need More Help?

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to submit a ticket to our help desk.  Our support team will be happy to help!