WooCommerce Braintree Payments

Introduction WooCommerce Braintree Payments are easily enabled in PayPal for WooCommerce.  You may setup direct credit card processing using the standard credit card forms on the WooCommerce checkout page, or you may choose to enable the Braintree Drop-In UI to add...

WooCommerce PayPal Authorize and Capture

Introduction Each of the gateways provided by PayPal for WooCommerce give you the option to process payment for orders immediately or to authorize and capture the order for greater flexibility and control over how payments are processed.  This doc provides details...

PayPal for WooCommerce Developer Hooks Guide

PayPal WooCommerce Hooks Library PayPal for WooCommerce provides a number of hooks so that you can interact with the plugin.  The following list displays the names of the hooks available as well as a simple sample of how to set it up. PayPal Complete Payments Gateway...

PayPal for WooCommerce Subscriptions

Woo Subscriptions uses token payments / reference transactions to process subscription payments.  This is supported by the gateways in our plugin, however, some of them require you to enable specific features on the account in order for this to work properly.  See...