Gravity Forms Braintree Payments Field Mapping

Introduction When you create a Gravity form on your website that includes a Braintree Payments credit card processing form, the only data passed to the Braintree transaction details is the amount to charge and the card details. If you would like to include additional...

PayPal Plus for WordPress Developer Hooks

Einführung Die folgenden WordPress-Hooks werden bereitgestellt, um Adressdaten zu filtern, die mit der Zahlungsanforderung an PayPal übergeben werden. Filterhaken Lieferanschrift angelleye_paypal_plus_shipping_recipient_name Filtern Sie den Käufernamen in der an...

PayPal Webhooks for WordPress Install Guide

Introduction If you do not already have a copy of the plugin you may submit an order here.  Once you have your copy of the plugin downloaded you may proceed with installation. 1. Download the plugin from your email receipt or account history. The email receipt will be...

PayPal Webhooks for WordPress Setup Guide

Introduction This guide assumes you have our PayPal Webhooks for WordPress installed.  If you need help with this, take a look at our install guide first. Step by Step Guide 1. Go to PayPal Webhooks -> Settings in the WordPress dashboard. 2. Adjust all of the...

PayPal Webhooks for WordPress User Guide

Introduction The PayPal Webhooks for WordPress plugin is a foundation for building tools that automate tasks when transactions occur on your PayPal account. It is extensible using WordPress hooks based on the name of the PayPal Webhook.  These hooks allow you to...