How to Get Updates for AngellEYE WordPress Plugins

How to Get Updates for AngellEYE WordPress Plugins

Introduction We host all of our plugins on our own servers as opposed to using the WordPress plugin directory. As such, you will need to follow the steps outlined here in order to receive automatic updates the same way you would for other WordPress plugins. Video Demo...

PayPal Invoice for WordPress Install Guide

PayPal Invoicing for WordPress is a plugin that allows you to create and manage PayPal invoices from directly within WordPress.This Install Guide will cover the steps necessary to install the PayPal invoice WordPress plugin. When you finish here, the setup guide will...

PayPal Invoice WordPress Setup Guide

Now that you have the PayPal Invoice plugin installed on your WordPress website, follow a few steps to configure the plugin. You will link it to your PayPal account so that the plugin can create invoices on your behalf.  You may also configure some optional values...

PayPal Invoice WordPress User Guide

Introduction After you install and setup the PayPal Invoicing for WordPress plugin on your website, you are ready to begin creating and sending invoices! This user guide will walk you through the steps to create a PayPal invoice from within the basic WordPress invoice...

IfThenGive Giver Guide

Overview This guide will cover everything you need to know for donating to a goal. We will walk through the aspects such as signing up, making payments through PayPal and managing your goals and transactions. Signup as a New User The first step is to signup as a new...

IfThenGive Administrator Guide

Overview This guide will walk you through the steps on how to use the IfThenGive plugin for your website. If you need help installing or configuring the plugin prior to getting to this point, take a look at our install and setup guide before moving forward here. Add a...