This guide will cover everything you need to know for donating to a goal. We will walk through the aspects such as signing up, making payments through PayPal and managing your goals and transactions.
Signup as a New User
The first step is to signup as a new user.
1. Navigate to the page where you want to make a donation. Enter your details to signup for the goal.
- First Name: Enter your first name.
- Last Name: Enter your last name
- Email Address: Enter your email address.
- Create an account: Select the checkbox if you want to create an account. Otherwise, leave it unchecked to signup as a guest user.
2. Click Signup. You are redirected to the PayPal page.
3. Enter your PayPal details and click Login.
4. The billing details such as address and the credit card number are shown. Click Agree and Continue. You are then redirected to a Thank you page as shown in the image below. This is your billing agreement and it is now saved in the database. If you sign up for another goal, you need not enter the PayPal details and you will be directly redirected to the Thank You page.
Note: Your User ID and Email address are associated with that specific goal and now stored in the database. Therefore, if you try to signup for the same goal again, a message is displayed as shown below.
Manage Account
1. Once you sign up as a new user, click Manage Account to manage your goals and transactions
2. Click Goals to view your list of signed up goals. Let us understand each column in detail.
- Goal Name: The name of the goal that you signed up.
- Amount: The amount that you donated for the goal.
- Adjust Amount: Click this button to adjust the amount.
- Action: Click Suspend to stop the transaction for the particular goal.
- Date: The date on which you signed up for this goal.
3. Click Transactions to view the list of transactions.
4. Click Account to view the details of the Billing Agreement.
5. Click Cancel Billing Agreement to permanently cancel all your goals and set up a new agreement.