
IfThenGive is a donation platform where people can sign up to give a particular amount or a donation if a specified event occurs. For example, if you are a baseball enthusiast, you can sign up to a campaign that says “If (player name) hits a home run, Then Give $10.00″. This is not limited only to sports, it could be triggered by any sort of event.


Follow these steps to install the plugin.

System Requirements

Ensure that you have WordPress 3.8+ to run the plugin and ensure the best possible security and performance.

Automatic Installation

1. Log into your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins page and click on the Add New button.

2. Search for “IfThenGive”.

3. Click the Install Now link under the IfThenGive plugin in the list of results.

Manual Installation
  • Download the plugin from the WordPress plugin directory.
  • Unzip the files and upload the folder into your plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/) overwriting previous versions, if they exist.
  • Navigate to your WordPress Plugins page and activate the IfThenGive plugin.

The plugin is automatically updated through the WordPress admin panel. As always, we recommend backing up your site prior to making any updates just to be sure nothing goes wrong.


There are a few things that you need to do before creating goals. Follow the steps to set up your plugin.

Connect to PayPal Account

1. Click Settings->IfThenGive.

2. Click Connect with Paypal to connect to your PayPal account. Click on the Sandbox toggle to make it live. However, if you do not want to use the Connect with PayPal option, click Show Advanced Details and select Add Sandbox Credentials Manually checkbox to enter them manually.

3. Enter the Email ID to signup or log in and select a Country.

4. Log in to your PayPal account or create an account if necessary.

5. Review the authorization details and click Yes I Authorize It.

6. Click Go back to {My Website Name}.

7. Verify that your PayPal Account ID is listed on the page.

8. Edit details such as CurrencyBrand Name, Header Logo, Brand Logo, Customer Service Number, and Enable Debug Logging, if necessary.

9. Click Save Settings to save the settings.


Now What?

With the IfThenGive plugin installed and configured, you are ready to put it into action! Proceed to the Administrator guide to create goals, manage givers, and transactions.