

If you are using your own PayPal app credentials with our plugin, please switch to ours by using the “Connect to PayPal” button in the payment gateway settings.


PayPal has launched their new “Complete Payments” platform, which replaces all of the old API integration options.

This new integration works by creating “apps” inside a PayPal developer account, which control much of the functionality and options available to any PayPal integration.

This article will break-down the details of how our PayPal for WooCommerce plugin works with our PayPal app.

1st Party Integration

If you are building your own PayPal integration you will typically create your own app inside your own PayPal developer account.

With this method you would copy/paste your API client/secret into various tools, config files, etc. so that your app can be used for integration.

This requires that any advanced features are applied for and approved before your app will have access to them.

Many times the features you are looking for are not approved at all, which could leave you unable to use your own app to accomplish your goals.

3rd Party Integration

If you build a PayPal solution that is intended to be used by many other people, that is where 3rd party integration comes into play.

With this, you get all of the features and functionality fully approved for the app you are offering users, and then those individual users do not have to get these approvals for themselves.

This can greatly enhance the onboarding experience into a hosted solution, SAAS-type setup.

This also gives the app owner greater control over future updates and maintenance of the overall solution.

Angell EYE Payments – Powered by PayPal

Angell EYE has integrated PayPal Complete Payments into our PayPal for WooCommerce plugin.

This is a bit unique because it is not a “hosted solution” at the plugin level – individual users download the plugin and install it on their own website.

However, at the PayPal app level it is a lot easier for us as well as users to connect to our hosted PayPal app rather than setup and maintain their own.

Originally, we wanted to provide the option for users to either connect to our app (simple method) or use your own app (advanced method).

Unfortunately, this has proven to be more problematic than helpful.  As we make changes that are not approved by individual apps, it causes confusion and unnecessary support tickets that we have to maintain.

As such, we have chosen to remove this option and require that you connect to the Angell EYE PayPal app in order to use our plugin(s).

If you are using your own app credentials in our plugin, please switch to ours by using the “Connect to PayPal” button that we provide.

If you have any questions or concerns please submit a help desk ticket and we’ll be happy to take care of you.

Need More Help?

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to submit a ticket to our help desk.  Our support team will be happy to help!