PayPal Express Checkout PHP Demo Project


This fully functional PayPal Express Checkout PHP demo kit is included FREE with our PayPal PHP SDK!



This PayPal Express Checkout PHP demonstration utilizes our PayPal PHP SDK which comes with basic samples and template files for free, however, this demo is much more in depth.

  • Built on a basic Bootstrap design for a shopping cart.
  • Shopping cart built with static PHP session data for purposes of looping through shopping cart data to build PayPal API requests.
  • All PayPal API call code is heavily commented with details about what each small snippet of code is doing, so that you can easily follow the flow of the shopping cart and how it works with each PayPal API call.

Express Checkout Details

The PayPal Express Checkout API includes lots of optional features, some more advanced than others.  This particular demonstration covers the most basic Express Checkout integration you might have, simply passing order details to PayPal and processing the payment.

This demo does NOT cover features like:

  • Including the shopping cart line items in the request so they are included in the PayPal transaction details.
  • Billing Agreements / Reference Transactions
  • Recurring Payments Profiles (Subscriptions)
  • Parallel (Split) Payments

If you are interested in more advanced demos that include these features and more, check out our other PayPal PHP API demo kits.