PayFlow Gateway

PayPal Payments Pro 2.0 is the latest release of PayPal’s Pro offering. It works on PayPal’s PayFlow Gateway as opposed to their original DoDirectPayment API. You need to be sure that your account is setup for this version of Pro before configuring this payment gateway or you will end up with errors when people attempt to pay you via credit card.

For more details on this, see The History of PayPal Payments Pro.

Setup Steps for WooCommerce PayPal Pro PayFlow

1. Navigate to WooCommerce -> Settings.

WooCommerce Settings

WordPress Admin Panel -> WooCommerce -> Settings

2. Click on the Checkout tab.

WooCommerce Checkout Settings

WooCommerce Checkout Settings

3. Click the PayPal Website Payments Pro (DoDirectPayment) link to enter the settings page.

PayPal Payments Pro 2.0 PayFlow

4. Set each option according to your needs.

Enable / Disable

Check this box to enable the payment gateway. Leave unchecked to disable it.


This controls the label the user will see for this payment option during checkout.


This controls the description the user will see for this payment option during checkout.

PayPal Payments Pro Title and Description

PayPal Payments Pro Title and Description

Test Mode

Check this box to enable test mode so that all transactions will hit PayPal’s sandbox server instead of the live server. This should only be used during development as no real transactions will occur when this is enabled.

Invoice ID Prefix

This allows you to set a value to be used as the prefix on invoice IDs generated by WooCommerce.

  • This can help to resolve duplicate invoice issues that may arise if you’re using PayPal Payments Pro on multiple websites where the same invoice IDs can get used. A prefix is required to avoid declined payments when this happens.
Card Icon

This is the path to the icon / graphic you would like to use for display on the checkout page.

Debug Log

Check this box to enable logging for DoDirectPayment API calls. These logs will be saved under /wp-content/uploads/wc-logs/.

Error Email Notifications

Enable this to receive an email any time a PayPal Payments Pro failure occurs.

  • This can help you track overall failure rate of transactions on your site, as well as diagnose issues that could potentially be fixed by adjusting settings in your PayPal account.
Error Display Type

Detailed displays actual errors returned from PayPal. Generic displays general errors that do not reveal details and helps to prevent fraudulant activity on your site.

PayPal Sandbox Vendor, Password, User, Partner
  • Sandbox PayPal Vendor – This is the Vendor (Merchant Login) value for a PayPal Manager sandbox / test account.
  • Sandbox PayPal Password – This is the Password value for a PayPal Manager sandbox / test account.
  • Sandbox PayPal User – This is the User value for a PayPal Manager sandbox / test account.
  • Sandbox PayPal Partner – This is the Partner value for a PayPal Manager sandbox / test account.
    • If PayPal is your processor then enter PayPal in this field.
Live PayPal Vendor, Password, User, Partner
  • Live PayPal Vendor – This is the Vendor (Merchant Login) value for a live PayPal Manager account.
  • Live PayPal Password – This is the Password value for a live PayPal Manager account.
  • Live PayPal User – This is the User value for a live PayPal Manager account.
  • Live PayPal Partner – This is the Partner value for a live PayPal Manager account.
    • If PayPal is your processor then enter PayPal in this field.
Send Item Details

Enable this option to include line item details in the PayPal payment request.  Doing this will include the details in the PayPal transaction details so that they show up in the PayPal account.

PayPal Payments Pro PayFlow Line Items

PayPal Payments Pro PayFlow Line Items

Payment Action

This allows you to adjust how you want to process the original transaction.

  • Sale – This option will immediately capture the funds and move the money into your PayPal account.
  • Authorization – This will authorize the funds for the transaction on the buyer’s account, but it will not actually capture the funds and move any money into your account.
    • When you are ready, you may capture the funds for an authorized transaction from within your PayPal account profile.  (Future versions of PayPal for WooCommerce will provide the ability to capture from within WooCommerce.)

5. Click the Save Changes button to submit your changes.

Looking for Live Help?

Schedule a live meeting with Drew Angell, PayPal Certified Developer, and get all of your questions or concerns answered.